Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ode to Sawa

Surgeon general's warning: This post is full of cheesiness. Cheese has recently been shown to contain calories, which have in turn been linked to death. And yet the US government encourage Domino's pizza to use cheese? What the hell kind of conspiracy is this?

Sorry. As you may be able to tell: 1) I think that the food culture in America is crazy, and 2) I am recovering from the flu and may not be in a completely rational state of mind.

Anyway, today's post is not really about cheese, it's about what an amazing and awesome wife Sawa is. Particularly when it comes to making pie. Perhaps you think that your wife is better? Perhaps you are a fool. While I've been lying around sleeping and coughing and complaining, Sawa's been making me delicious meals and snuggling with me and doing all the chores and travel preparations and figuring out and making all the Christmas presents that are ostensibly supposed to be from me.

You might think that this is just while I'm sick, and once I get better I'll be forced to pay back with interest all of these debts. Au contraire. Sawa always does more than her share, and I always take credit for all her hard work. This has already been demonstrated numerous times on this blog alone, like when she made all the Thanksgiving meals, or how I've still failed to make ice cream even once, while she's made it at least 6 times.

A month or two back I was all stressed out trying to prepare my committee meeting presentation and wasn't able to do as much cooking or chores around the house. A reasonable wife would be forgiven for grumbling and making me make up for all the work when I was done. What did Sawa do?

She made me my own personal pumpkin pie. I think this may be the only time in my life that I've ever been given, let alone made, an entire pie that I could do with as I please. Even at birthdays you're expected to share your cake with everyone, but Sawa made it clear that I didn't have to give a bite to her or to anyone else. It's hard to describe what a glorious feeling of power and freedom this gave me.

So, what follows is a loving photo-chronicle of every stage of this pie's creation. If it looks familiar, that's because she made the same pie for Thanksgiving, but we failed to take good photos at this time, so in last week's Thanksgiving post I covertly used one photo from the original personal pie.

Sawa, you are the best, and I love you sooooooooooooo much!

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